How To Identify Your Lishi Tool

Identify Type

  • Identify if the brand of your key and how many pins it has (4 or 5)
  • All Masterlocks have 4 pins
  • Schlage and Kwikset locks can have 5 or 6 pins (5 is more common)

Masterlock 4-Pin

All Masterlock style locks have the shorter 4-Pin specialty model.

M1 Lishi

Schlage & Kwikset Standard

Both standard styles of Schlage and Kwikset locks will use the 5-Pin Lishi tool. Includes KW1 and SC1 Lishi.

SC1+KW1 Lishi

Schlage & Kwikset Extended

Extended 6-Pin model of Schalge and Kwikset locks often found in higher security models. Includes SC4 & Kw5.

SC4+KW5 Lishi